Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Montage Moments

Alex has recently given up his naps, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need them. It was taking me 45-60 minutes just to get him to sleep then he'd only sleep for 30-40 minutes. I gave up. So now he usually conks out on the couch during movie quiet time.

Where are those 2 front teeth? Just before starting kindergarten and Addie has already lost 5 teeth including her 2 front ones. I think she looks adorable.

Stylist in the house. Addie gave each of the girls in the house pigtails, including herself. She actually did a pretty good job, too.

The girls entitled themselves "Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother".

Cookie Dough and milk.
Two of my favorite Young Women, Riley Shakleford and Gabby Peterson. They promised they'd stay for church if they could come and make cookies at my house that evening. Nice bribe, but they would have stayed anyway.

Addie begs me on almost a daily basis to let her sew something. We finally settled on making night gowns for the girls. I told them the horror story of when I accidentally sewed a needle right through my finger so they were pretty cautious of their fingers, but they did a good job.


finau said...

A...tell me again how you are sooo photogenic...even in with your hair in piggy tails?? You must just be a gorgeous momma!

Macdonalds said...

I love the pigtails- your little princesses sure are adorable!

Sandy said...

What a great mom, leader and friend you are, Adria!I want to be just like you :)