Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Spender, The Saver and The Philanthropist

Recently we've started paying the children for completing their daily chores. We thought it would be a good way to teach them how to save and also practice paying tithing. It pays off when we go to the store too. Now when we go to the store and they ask if they can have something I calmly reply, "Do you have enough money?" What's really been interesting is seeing their different personalities in what they do with their money. Here's how it goes.

Alex: The Spender - his jar is almost always empty. As soon as he earns his money he asks when we can go to the store to buy something. Usually he asks how big of a lego set he can get.

Maycie: The Saver - Maycie doesn't care much for money. Although she likes the idea of having it and will gladly take it when given (or earned) she's doesn't have a large wish list of things to buy and is happy to see her jar fill up with dollars.

Addilyn: The Philanthropist - Like Alex, Addilyn's jar is almost always empty, though for an entirely different reason. Addilyn gets money and she gives it away. Often its to Alex to help him buy his next lego set. Sometimes she donates to fundraisers or relief projects. I know there are others we aren't even aware of who benefit from her large and generous heart.

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