Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Garden

After finishing the garden retaining wall too late last year, we finally have a garden this year. Rob has been planting every weekend for over a month and it's really starting to take off.
We have over a dozen tomato plants of different varieties.
I definitely will be doing some canning, salsa and spaghetti sauce later this summer. Send me any great recipes you have. I've never canned by myself before.

Here are the green beans and peas.

Some cucumbers popping up.

Strawberry plants.

Rob and the kids thinning the carrots and green onions.
We're also growing red onions, green peppers, herbs, summer squash, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, corn and pumpkins.


Alison B said...

i'm so jealous!!! well, jealous of the yummy fresh fruits and veggies, just not jealous of all the other work...weeding, watering, etc. good for you!!!

Liesl Shurtliff said...

This is one of three things I feel sad about living in the city. No room for a garden.

Carrie said...

Your garden looks awesome! We have quite a few starts in the house, just waiting for the Utah weather to cooperate!