Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back To School

It finally came and not a moment too soon - for the girls and mom. The girls both started preschool a Trinity United Methodist church. Don't worry. We didn't convert, but most the churches out here do preschools to bring in extra revenue.

This is Maycie's first year of preschool. Every time we dropped Addie off at preschool last year Maycie would sadly ask, "When is it my turn to go to school?" and my responding "When you turn three". Well, we finally made it. She was a little apprehensive at first, but quickly warmed up once she found the toy horses - her favorite.

This is Addie's third year of preschool and after a difficult decision of whether to send her to kindergarten as one of the youngest, I finally heeded all the voices around me that said, "you'll never regret waiting another year to send her to kindergarten". Her program is called Transitional Kindergarten. It's a lot like half day kindergarten in Utah (out here kindergarten is all day), except it's not payed by the taxpayers, but rather by my quickly shrinking wallet.

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