Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

We started the day with red, white and blueberry waffles.

I spray painted these patriotic shirts for the kids. 

To beat the heat we tried to go see a movie but it was sold out so we headed inside the mall for some cool play place fun. I used to take the kids to this mall play place all the time when they were younger. I had kind of forgotten about it, but it was fun to rediscover it with Isaac. He had a ball. Even the bigger kids enjoyed it.

That evening we headed over to the Smiths house for food and fireworks. The Abbotts were there too and Kristin, of course, went all out. She had red, white and blue themed everything. Treats galore. It was kid haven. Everything was so cute and festive and I'm sure she was preparing for weeks. 

Adam is explaining to the kids that they can have as much candy and drinks as they want and if anything runs out come and tell him so he can refill it. Like I said. Kid haven. He put on quite a show of fireworks that night complete with coordinating patriotic music. 

My little firecracker.

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