Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bunny Rescue

Tis the season for bunnies. This is the time of year when baby rabbits are prevalent. This cute little cottontail was rescued by the kids when Tiger tried to have him for dinner. The poor little thing was only 2 weeks old and scared to death. For the first couple hours of captivity is squealed any time someone tried to hold it (I don't blame it). I let the kids observe it for a little while then asked them to release it where they found it. As soon as they did, Tiger and the neighbor cat started tracking it again. I could see that it's front paw was injured (probably from the first cat capture) and who knows what other injuries it had. Figuring it had a better survival rate as a pet I let the kids keep it in a box over night while I figured out what to do with it. After doing some research I learned that the survival rate of wild baby rabbits captured was very low. Especially when they've been caught first by the family pet. We tried to feed it and if it could have survived on love alone I know it would have made it. The kids adored it (and so did I). I'm sure it had some internal injuries that we couldn't see. Addilyn was devistated at first when it finally died the next day (she has a very soft heart) until I help to visualize how happy it must be in heaven. 

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