Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cherishing the Moment

I've been contemplating how different each of my children are and how my parenting changes with each child. I definitely can't parent Isaac the same way I parented Addie. I have much less free time on my hands and, to be honest, I seem to have less energy. Or at least my energy is spread thinner. I remember getting down on the floor and playing with the other kids almost, if not, everyday or taking them to the park frequently. Isaac almost never gets that. He's often left to his own devices and the other kids give him so much attention, I try not feel guilty about it. But today I left the dishes undone, my email unchecked and took a moment to cherish Isaac.

Fun in the sandbox.

Isaac's signature dimple.

Surprising mom from the playhouse window.

Isaac loves the slide and it's the first place he'll go when there's a playset around.

Finding joy in collecting rocks.

See how neatly he lines them up.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Boys and rocks! Need I say more!?