Sunday, August 19, 2012

July Happenings

Rob has always been so good about getting down on the kids' level and playing with them.

This month we got to be a host family for a group of girls from Utah Valley Children's Choir. The group was doing a mission tour in the East singing about Christ's ministry. We attended their concert in the evening, which was fantastic, and then we brought them home for a sleepover. They had to leave early in the morning so they didn't stay long, but the kids thought it was fun to have some teenage girls in the house.

We took a family trip to Ralleigh for an overnighter so Rob could rack up some hotel points. We took the kids miniature golfing and to the arcades. It turned out to be a fun, spontaneous weekend.
Isaac really liked driving the arcade sports car.

Time to shift gears.

There was all sorts of fun at the hotel room. The older kids love jumping from bed to bed, but Isaac was obsessed with the never ending tissues. He'd pull one out and magically another would appear. They just kept coming....

and coming...

and coming. Don't worry. We tipped the cleaning lady!

Fun with the remote control car.

Helping dad wash the car. 

Chocolate smoothie pop.
I've been making these chocolate peanut butter banana smoothies in our blender. I add cocoa powder, almond milk, bananas, peanut butter, spinach, flax and sometimes avocado. They're sweetened with a couple dates and the kids love them. They don't even know how healthy they are.  They'll drink it up or eat them as smoothies pops.

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