Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?

Built in friends are the best. From the moment I let them escape the house after chores the kids are scheming with the neighbor kids for what the day will hold. Remember those endless summer days where anything was possible.

Maycie and Avery taking a relaxing break from the outdoor heat.

Alex and his buddy, Noah, started a garage band. The band name started as "Man Pumps" (no idea where that came from) but as often happens with garage bands the name changed to "Blue Cups" (again, no idea).
They mostly practice in the garage (as garage band do) with Noah on guitar and Alex on drums and vocals with occassional back up guitar. Sometimes they give outdoor concerts in the back of Noah's dad's pickup truck. The name of their first single: "Do You Know the Muffin Man?"

One day, spurred on by Alex's quest to be Obi Wan Kanobi, the kids raided their closets and came up with these creative star wars costumes on their own. Alex: Obi Wan, Noah: Luke Skywalker, Addilyn: Princess Leah, Johnathan: Bobo Fett, Ella: Padme, Maycie and Avery: Padme's handmaidens. 

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