Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Neighbors

Finally! The perfect move-ins. Remember as a kid when a neighborhood house sold and you'd wonder who the new neighbors would be and maybe even wish for it to be your new best friend or a cute boy? As an adult when new neighbors move I still have a wish. It's for mild mannered, kind kids that I approve of my kids playing with to move in. I couldn't have hand picked a better senario for my new neighbors. So, meet the new neighbors. Shea is 14 and loves to babysit. Ella is 8 and she and Addilyn were bossom buddies from the moment they met.  Avery is 6 and is happy to play with anyone. Noah is 5 and loves to do the boy stuff just like Alex. It's like a block party every evening in our cul-de-sac. All the kids, older and younger, playing in the quiet street while the grown ups shoot the breeze. 

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