Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daddy's Boy!

It's no contest. Isaac is definitely a Daddy's Boy. Granted, all my other kids' first word was daddy, too, but I attributed that to the fact that "da da" is more of a baby babble sound and therefore more likely to come out first. With Isaac, however, those sounds had purpose and meaning. With Rob working from home Isaac often gets quick daddy fixes and I noticed that every time we went upstairs and passed Rob's office Isaac started bouncing up and down and would excitedly say "da da". If given a choice, Isaac will almost always go to Rob. Recently Rob went out of town for two days. Isaac seemed lost. He even found a picture of him and pointed saying "da da". When Rob came home Isaac was thrilled and wouldn't let go of his dad. However, when I recently left town for 4 days I did not get the same warm reception upon returning. No matter. I still get the warm fuzzies watching these two share affection.

1 comment:

Alison B said...

so cute! where did you go for 4 days?!?!