Wednesday, June 22, 2011

For the grandparent...

The grandparents have been asking for pictures, but life is a whirl wind. We've put our house up for sale and it needs constant clean-up. The kids are out of school. I've forgotten how much time infants take. I've had no time to update my blog or send pictures, so hopefully these pictures will appease the grandparents for a time until I can officially update the blog.
Enjoy, because I think my children are pretty darn precious.

2 months old


Crystal said...

Oh MY GOODNESS! He is so so sweet! congrats!! What is his name?! Your house is for sale? Where are you headed? Did Addy cut her hair. Its so cute.

Carrie said...

So cute!! Hope all is well with the baby and life isn't too crazy for everyone!

Macdonalds said...

I miss you guys so much! I'm so glad you posted these! So so cute!