Thursday, January 6, 2011

Questions and Answers

Tonight as I'm getting Alex ready for bed.
Alex: "Mom, where does pee come from?"
I give the typical mom answer about liquid going through your body and turning to pee.
Alex: "How does it come out?"
Won't go there, but I came up with something to satisfy him.
Five minutes later in bed.
Alex: "Mom, sometimes I wish I was a mom."
Mom: "Oh, why is that?"
Alex: "Because then I could tell Addie and Maycie to go to bed. But, mom, can dad tell them to go to bed?"
Mom: "Yes, Alex. Dad can tell them to go to bed, too."
Alex: "Oh. Then I want to be a dad. When will I be a dad, mom?"
Mom: "After you grow up and go on a mission and get married."
Alex: "Boys don't get married, mom. Only girls do."
Mom: "Boys get married to girls and girls get married to boys."
Alex: "Oh. Mom, how do your feet walk?"
...and so it goes.


Carrie said...

Kids and their never ending questions. Too funny!

Sandy said...

What a deep thinker. Totally cute :)