Saturday, November 13, 2010

September Update

Yeah, I know it's been a while since I've updated pictures. I'm really lousy at simplifying my life even when feeling gross and pregnant. I seem to be busier than ever. The things that are really important to me somehow seem to be the things neglected. It's my own fault and I'm making strides to simplify and give precious time and effort to that which matters most. I recently read a fantastic general conference talk by Elder Uchtdorf that seems to have been written just for me. He quotes Leonardo da Vinci, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". I will update later as to my strides for "the ultimate sophistication". In the mean time, here are some pictures from not so simple September.

The kids are enjoying an Indian Summer evening.

Alex at his buddy, Hector's, birthday. He's a pro with the pinata stick.
Alex idolizes Spider-Man but was a little shy when meeting him in person at the party. He warmed up, though.

This month, Maycie lost her first tooth. She was so excited to discover a wiggly one in her mouth. In the end, she was very brave and actually asked me to pull it out for her.
The race I didn't run.

Months ago, a group of crazy women (whom I adore) and I signed up for the Blue Ridge Relay - a 208 mile relay race over 2 days. I trained all summer. Towards the end of training I found out I was pregnant but still continued with training and plans to run. I went to planning meetings, bought new running shoes and accessories. Simultaneously I was training for a marathon in November with a friend. I got up to 13 miles around week 8 of the pregnancy and everything fell apart. Suddenly I had trouble running 2 miles without feeling sick and winded. Just 10 days before the race I made the decision to give my race spot to someone else. Team "Who's your mama" which was suppose to be made of all moms but ended with a couple dads due to last minute cancellations, did great and finished the long race strong. All I have from the race is the shirt - not the memories. We all had our children's names printed on the back. Maybe next year will be my year.

Happy 32nd Birthday to me!
My darling friends, Sandy and Kristin, threw me a little party with yummy Mexican food and gifts. Below I'm modeling the wrap and necklace picked out for me. I"m glad they have such great taste.

Kristin and Sandy.

My North Carolina sister.


Steph said...

wish i were there...and i still consider you my north carolina' sister too!!! have you found out what you are having yet?

Gail said...

Okay Adria, I need details!!
When are you due?
What are having?
Email me!!! :)
Four was my hardest transition. But it didn't hit until Mo was about 6 mo. Probably because Bekah was such an easy baby - she totally spoiled me and I forgot how much work babies can be. Mo liked to be held...a lot.
I'm so excited for you guys! Let me know when you have this new little person. That's really exciting! congrats

Sandy said...

Always too hard on yourself! You are an amazing woman, mom and friend. Now, just stop trying to do it all and you'll be fine. Oh, and when you get overwhelmed "just pull yourself up by your boot straps and get over it." Hahaha. Love you.