Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Fil Bedr" and "Dir Dad"

Addie is such a sweet heart. She has combined her love for her family and her love of writing to create many cards of love and encouragement. My favorite part is her interpretation of words and spelling. Her teacher assures me her spelling is normal and even advanced for her age. But just in case you are not at her level, let me provide a translation...
This card was created after an Alex head injury. "Alex, I hope that your head feels better by tomorrow. Alex I hope that you can sleep good tonight."

"Dear Dad, you are the best dad ever because you are good to me and you are very fun too..." not sure about the next couple words. "...and you are very lucky to have so many money to have and very lucky to have and very lucky to have very lucky to have very very fun."

1 comment:

Liesl Shurtliff said...

I love how the last part is almost like a kid's stutter.