Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Road to Recovery

Two and a half weeks ago my dad had a stroke. He drove himself to the hospital, parked the car and walked in to the ER. 10 hours later they finally got him in for an MRI and on blood thinners. By then the damage was done. He couldn't walk and had no use in his left side. Thankfully my sister, Liesl, was there to oversee his hospital recovery. She stayed by his side and was a great advocate for him between doctors and nurses. Over the next two weeks my dad made great progress. I decided I wanted to be there for stage two of recovery: at home. Rob was very supportive in being willing to manage the 3 older kids at home by himself (which is a handful) while I left for a week. Isaac and I got on a plane and flew to Salt Lake. We got in the day my dad came home from the hospital.

I was happy to find my dad better off that I had hoped and in good spirits. He was walking with a cane and had some use of his left hand. Isaac really enjoyed helping Duke with his cane. Isaac, however, was competing for my attention and getting into trouble in my dad's un-childproofed bachelor pad so Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Clynn came to the rescue. They took Isaac for a couple days so I could focus on my dad.

As part of his therapy Duke practiced songs and scales on his guitar. That's where he seems most like himself to me.

 It's hard work, though. There have been a few tearful moments when the frustration gets the better of him. Simple tasks like buttoning pants and putting on shoes makes beads of sweat from and can leave him exhausted. But every day I see improvement. The strength and dexterity is returning. It's definitely makes you grateful for the little things.

Favorite dad quote of the day: "My bladder is like a high maintenance girlfriend. I have to listen to it all day and when it says jump I have to do it right then."

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