Sunday, May 6, 2012

B is for Baby Bird and Braids

One day Alex ran inside to tell me that a bird let him pet it. Intrigued, I came out to see what he meant. There on the ground were two baby cardinals. Sadly, Tiger (the cat) had already gotten to one so I ran to rescue the other. Alex and I admired it for a bit while I tried to figure out what to do with it. It was on the verge of learning to fly and the momma cardinal was stressed to the max trying to figure out how to get her baby back safe and sound. I made a couple calls to bird people to see what they suggested. Not much help. I finally ended up putting the baby bird in a bucket with straw and hanging it high in a tree branch where it's momma could find it. Don't ask me what happened after that. The bucket was empty a few hours later. Hopefully the cat didn't find it.

Maycie loves for me to do her hair. She looked so sweet with her crown of braids.

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